
Redmine Macros

Cheat Sheet

Provided by AlphaNodes GmbH, 2020 Use the Space key or the arrow keys to navigate through all slides.

Hello There

Redmine includes a macro system that allows you to add custom functions to insert dynamic content in formatted text areas (Wiki, Issues etc.).

This cheat sheet displays currently available Redmine macros.

How to implement macros

Macros are output within a double curly bracket: {{Macro_name}}

Parameters within a round bracket are mandatory: {{Macro_name(mandatory)}}

Parameters within square brackets are optional: {{Macro_name(mandatory [,options])}}

Available macros

Only macros of installed plugins on your system will work.

To get an overview of all available macros on your Redmine system use: {{macro_list}}

Redmine standard installation

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Functional

Macro Example
collapse {{collapse(view details...)
This is a block of text, collapsed by default.
child_pages {{child_pages}}
hello_world {{hello_world}}

Usage: Functional

Macro Example
include {{include(projectname:Foo)}}
macro_list {{macro_list}}
toc {{toc}}

Additionals Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Date and Time

Macro Example
calendar {{calendar(year=2019,month=12, show_weeks=true, select=2019-03-13)}}
current_year {{date(current_year)}}
current_weeknumber {{date(current_weeknumber)}}
current_date_with_time {{date(current_date_with_time)}}
use Redmine date format {{date(2019-12-24)}}

Usage: Users

Macro Example
group_users {{group_users(Team A)}}
last_updated_by {{last_updated_by}}
user {{user(ID)}}
{{user(1, avatar=true)}}
{{user(admin, avatar=true)}}
{{user(1, format=firstname)}}

Usage: Issues & Comments

Macro Example
issue {{issue(ID)}}
{{issue(1, format=full)}}
Options: url (string or note_id)
format=(string) - full, text, short, link
id (int)
note_id (int)

Usage: Issues & Comments

Macro Example
redmine_issue {{redmine_issue(url [, title=TITLE])}}
Options: url (string)
title (string)

Usage: Issues & Comments

Macro Example
new_issue {{new_issue(myproject)}}
{{new_issue(myproject, title=New issue for broken displays)}}
{{new_issue(name_de: Ticket hier bitte anlegen)}}

Usage: Wiki page

Macro Example
last_updated_at {{last_updated_at}}
recently_updated {{recently_updated}} Wiki page {{redmine_wiki(url [, name=NAME, title=TITLE])}}
Options: url (string)
name (string)
title (string)

Usage: Projects and members

Macro Example
projects {{projects(title=My project list)}}
members {{members(myproject)}}
{{members(myproject, role=Manager)}}
{{members(myproject, role=Manager|Team)}}
{{members(My project title, title=My member list)}}

Usage: Informational

Macro Example
cryptocompare {{cryptocompare(Options)}}
Options: fsym (string) and tsym (string)
fsyms (string). E.g. BTC, ETH, LTC
tsyms (string). E.g. EUR, USD
period (string) – 1D, 1W, 2W, 1M...
type (string) – advanced, chart (default), converter, header,
header_v2, header_v3, historical, list, news, summary...

Usage: Informational

Macro Example
gmap {{gmap([Options])}}
{{gmap(mode=directions, origin=Munich+Implerstr,destination=Roma)}}
Options: q (string) – city or location
mode (string) – place, directions, search, view
width (int)
heigth (int)

Usage: Informational

Macro Example
meteoblue {{meteoblue(location[Options])}}
Options: location (string) – weather location e.g. Munich germany is münchen_deutschland_2867714 (part after
width (int), height (int), color (bool)
pictoicon (bool), maxtemperature (bool), mintemperature (bool)
windspeed (bool)
winddirection (bool), uv (bool), humidity (bool)
precipitation (bool), precipitationprobability (bool)
spot (bool)

Usage: Informational

Macro Example
tradingview {{tradingview([Options])}}
Options: symbol (string), width (int), height (int), interval (string) timezone (string), theme (string), style (int), locale (string), toolbar_bg (string), enable_publishing (bool), allow_symbol_change (bool), hideideasbutton (bool)

Usage: Social media

Macro Example
gist {{gist(GistName)}}
reddit {{reddit(redmine)}}
slideshare {{slideshare([Options])}}
Options: key (string) – key code from end of URL, width (int), height (int), slide (int)

Usage: Social media

Macro Example
twitter {{twitter(alphanodes)}}
vimeo {{vimeo(video[Options])}}
{{vimeo(1234566, width=800)}}
{{vimeo(1234566, autoplay=true)}}
Options: width (int), heigth (int), video (string), autoplay (bool)

Usage: Social media

Macro Example
iframe {iframe(url [, width=INT, height=INT,with_link=BOOL])}}
Options: width (int), heigth (int), url (string), with_link (bool)
youtube {{youtube(video[Options])}}
Options: width (int), heigth (int), video (string), autoplay (bool)

CRM Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Users & Contacts

Macro Example
contact {{contact(contact_ID)}}
{{contact(John Smith)}}
contact_avatar {{contact_avatar(contact_ID)}}
deal {{deal(deal_ID)}}
contact_note {{contact_note(ContactNote_ID)}}

DB Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Assets

Macro Example
db {{db(ID)}}
db_query {{db_query(ID)}}
db_tag {{db_tag(TAG)}}
{{db_tag(Server, title=Wichtig)}}
db_tag_count {{db_tag_count(TAG)}}
{{db_tag_count(Server, all_projects=true)}}

DMSF Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Files & Folders

Macro Example
dmsf {{dmsf(17)}}
dmsff {{dmsff(5)}}

Knowledgebase Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Collaboration

Macro Example
kb {{kb(17)}}
article_id {{article_id(17)}}
article {{article(5)}}
category {{category(9)}}

Passwords Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Security

Macro Example
password {{password(ID)}}
password_query {{password_query(ID)}}
password_tag {{password_tag(TAG)}}
{{password_tag(Login, title=Wichtig)}}
password_tag_count {{password_tag_count(TAG)}}
{{password_tag_count(Login, all_projects=true)}}

Wiki Extensions Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Functional

Macro Example
count {{count}}
fn {{fn(word,description)}}
Footer Create a page named „Footer“ in order to see it‘s content at the bottom of every page
new_page {{new_page}}

Usage: Functional

Macro Example
popularity {{popularity(10)}}
tagcloud {{tagcloud}}
taggedpages {{taggedpages(tag)}}

Usage: Images & Styles

Macro Example
div_start_tag {{div_start_tag(id_name)}}
div_end_tag {{div_end_tag}}

Usage: Collaboration

Macro Example
comments {{comments}}
comment_form {{comment_form}}
vote(key) {{vote(key)}}
{{vote(key, descriptive text)}}
{{vote(key, label)}}

Usage: Date & Time

Macro Example
lastupdated_at {{lastupdated_at}}
new(yyyy-mm-dd) {{new(yyyy-mm-dd)}}
{{new(yyyy-mm-dd, expire)}}
recent {{recent}}

Usage: Users

Macro Example
lastupdated_by {{lastupdated_by}}
twitter {{twitter(alphanodes}}

Usage: Projects & Issues

Macro Example
project {{project(project_name)}}
{{project(project_name, alias)}}
wiki {{wiki(project_name, wiki_page)}}
{{wiki(project_name, wiki_page, alias)}}
{{wiki(project_identifier, wiki_page)}}
{{wiki(project_identifier, wiki_page, alias)}}

Wiki Lists Plugin

Use slides down navigation to view.

Usage: Issues

Macro Example
ref_issues {{ref_issues([options]...,[column]...)}}
Options: -s[=WORD[|WORD]..]
select issues that contain WORDs in subject
select issues that contain WORDs in description.

Usage: Issues

Options: -w[=WORD[|WORD]..]
select issues that contain WORDs in subject or description.
Specify the project by identifer.
Use custom query by id.
Use custom query by query name.

Usage: Issues

Options: -f:ATTRIBUTE[=WORD[|WORD...]]
Additional filter.
Columns: project, tracker, parent, status, priority, subject, author, assigned_to, updated_on, category, fxed_version, start_date, due_date, estimated_hours, done_ratio, created

The End

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