Redmine Reporting / Task Board

What is the Redmine Task Board view?

Redmine Reporting Plugin Task Board

Monitor the issue status using the Task Board view

The Reporting plugin is a true structuring hero. Switch the view of your data at any time from the usual list view, to the board view.

Turn your Redmine issue list into a Task Board. To visualize and monitor your issue workflow for feature development or product releases - project related and cross-project wide.


  • Compressed issue board columns
  • Color assignment based on various criteria and custom fields of type list
  • Bulk-edit operations
  • Result grouping by regular Redmine values
  • Sorting (ascending / descending) by regular Redmine values
  • Full screen display
  • Board column display based on filter selection Status

The Task Board of the Reporting plugin can be used as individually as possible

Your team knows best how projects work internally. Since your team has to work with the board and not only the project manager, you should offer them the possibility to create an individually customizable Task Board. The Task Board of the Redmine Reporting Plugin can be built and saved individually by anyone with the appropriate permission.

Redmine Reporting Plugin Task Board

Check out the flexible setup

Turn the regular issue list into a board view. Use the regular filters and options to define what issues you will see and how to organize them. The corresponding status columns will contain the results.

Redmine Reporting Plugin Task Board

Real-time communication and progress visualization

The Task Board visually represents the workflow and supports better collaboration within your project team as well as across projects.

Which task is currently in which implementation phase?
Regardless of location, everyone can see what task status the other team members have.

How many tasks are still open and where is it piling up?
If tied to a version of your roadmap the Task Board will make the project progress visible. And interaction within your team much easier, in order to keep your projects on track.

Business value: Information at your finger tips.

It is important for companies to be able to identify problems at an early stage and take countermeasures. This is just one of the many useful plugin functions of the Reporting Plugin. View the full feature list. The plugin is available separately or in a bundle with other plugins that extend the functionality of your Redmine. You can test this plugin function for free on our Redmine online demo. Together with the burndown chart for version it is an interesting feature, not only for agile working teams. Task Board function availability: available with current version

Redmine Plugin

Buy Reporting Plugin v4.0.0

Affordable prices regardless of your team size

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Plugin requirements - Plugin FAQ - Terms of use

Access to documentation, Support, Downloads & Updates

12 Month - DE, EN - E-Mail support via customer area

Right to use the obtained plugin version


€ 275 / Year*
Single product

Unlimited User

€ 1795 / Year*
as part of Enterprise+ Bundle

(Full-Stack contains all Plugins) - Compare all features

* Offer is directed exclusively to entrepreneurs within the meaning of §14 BGB. All prices are in EUR and net prices. Plus the applicable statutory sales tax. Reverse Charge applies for international clients outside Germany with a valid EU VAT ID No. Delivery of the download URL against advance payment. Plugin installation is done by the client himself, according to our installation instructions. Note the minimum system requirements and FAQ before purchase.
1) does not run stand-alone. Requires Redmine Reporting. Affects: Automation, HRM, DevOps, ServiceDesk

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