红明产品 / Redmine報告插件(更智能的項目見解)



Redmine Reporting Plugin


優化您的Redmine票務系統,並根據決定性的質量因素監控當前的項目開發。 一看,你就可以看到發生了什麼。


通過靈活的過濾選項,專注於您需要的數據。 它們允許您實時進行全面的項目分析。 即使是預算控制也從未如此簡單

圖表,統計。 一切都在它的位置。

在您需要的地方獲取有用的信息。 您的Redmine的所有報告,圖表和交互式圖表都很簡單,清晰,易於理解。 這可以節省您的時間!


監控您的項目和團隊,避免項目管理中最常見的困難。 使用 實時 數據。 通過這種方式,您可以更輕鬆地關注預算超支,時間瓶頸,緊急故障單或重要里程碑。







將您的工作推向前進,並以不同的方式更輕鬆地獲取您需要的一切。 您甚至可以通過我們的Redmine報告插件發現更多內容。 查看包含的內容或嘗試演示。

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Improve productivity. Accelerate goals. Make your team happy.

Our goal is to deliver a high quality product with real added value to demanding customers. Change your daily work with Redmine, now.

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Our customers


Redmine Reporting 這樣的工具可以讓您免於繁瑣且煩人的討論,如果某些內容無效100%。 作為負責任的項目經理,您需要知道一切都在順利進行 - 您需要快速了解它。 這是你干涉的唯一機會。 向大家展示你的能力。

作為客戶或投資者,您可以獲得有價值的項目見解 - 即使沒有詳細介紹。 圖形比長報告更容易分析。 您會立即看到是否所有內容都在質量,時間和成本範圍內。 如果您需要做出有根據的決定,這是唯一的方法。

Our plugins will suit your needs!

Our Redmine plugins are multilingual and a good choice if you want to work productively. 12 month support & updates included.

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Why us? Our solutions are efficient, integrated, scalable, flexible and up-to-date. This way we not only make sure that your product or service is on target, but also help you to transfor your business.
Our development base is Munich (Germany). Documentation and support available in: EN, DE. Plugin: Multilingual. Plugin is also available as Cloud solution.
Learn more about the plugin requirements and read our FAQ before purchase.

Redmine Plugin

Buy Reporting Plugin v4.0.0

Affordable prices regardless of your team size

Fast, free delivery of the download URL after receipt of payment
Plugin requirements - Plugin FAQ - Terms of use

Access to documentation, Support, Downloads & Updates

12 Month - DE, EN - E-Mail support via customer area

Right to use the obtained plugin version


€ 275 / Year*
Single product

Unlimited User

€ 1795 / Year*
as part of Enterprise+ Bundle

(Full-Stack contains all Plugins) - Compare all features

* Offer is directed exclusively to entrepreneurs within the meaning of §14 BGB. All prices are in EUR and net prices. Plus the applicable statutory sales tax. Reverse Charge applies for international clients outside Germany with a valid EU VAT ID No. Delivery of the download URL against advance payment. Plugin installation is done by the client himself, according to our installation instructions. Note the minimum system requirements and FAQ before purchase.
1) does not run stand-alone. Requires Redmine Reporting. Affects: Automation, HRM, DevOps, ServiceDesk

What annual support and maintenance license do you need?

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Our plugins will suit your needs!

Our Redmine plugins are multilingual and a good choice if you want to work productively. 12 month support & updates included.

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