Redmine Products / Redmine Automation Use Case: Onboarding

Create business value by implementing automation processes into Redmine.
Solutions like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can play a significant role in your business.

What is Robotic Process Automation and how to use it in Redmine

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an approach to process automation in which repetitive, manual, time-consuming or error-prone activities are automated by so-called software bots.

If your employees are often engaged in simple but mundane, repetitive tasks, then such activities can also be performed by a bot. This bot does not mind such repetitive tasks. It will perform them 24/7 with consistent efficiency and fewer errors than an employee would do in the long run.

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How can RPA help in automating your Redmine user onboarding / offboarding

One general business problem is the onboarding / offboarding process of users in Redmine.

  • If you have a large number to work through, you have to do it every day.
    And often don’t have enough time to do anything else.
  • If you have to do it from time to time, you must not make any mistakes. But often you forget important steps.
    The process no longer corresponds to the agreed procedures.

Business outcomes: Here an automation tool like Redmine Automation can help. It speeds up parts of the process based on specific triggers. And it makes sure to perform every necessary step error-free and due to this more efficient. Basically the Automation plugin supports entitites like projects, issues, spent time entries. When using additional AlphaNodes plugins like HRM you can also automate other entities, like users.


Improve your user experience and reduce manual effort using Redmine Automation Plugin in combination with Redmine HRM by:

Automation Plugin for Redmine Onboarding

Action: Send mail

  • Sending relevant onboarding information to newly created user accounts, or
  • reminding new users, that still have not been logged in, or
  • reactivate existing users, that have been off for a while, or
  • helping your support to send relevant user information automatically via eMail ocassionally.
Automation Plugin for Redmine Onboarding

Action: Status change

  • Freeing up employees time when it comes to disable invalid accounts in Redmine
Automation Plugin for Redmine Onboarding

Actions: Email, First name, Last name replacement (e.g. User ID Hash), Add Log

  • Facilitation of compliance with data protection-related activities (e.g. data anonymization)
Automation Plugin for Redmine Onboarding

Actions: Must change password at next logon, Send Mail

  • Informing users automatically about updating their user data or changing authentfication scheme
Automation Plugin for Redmine Onboarding

Actions: Delete data set, Add Log

  • Ensure data integrity by automatically deleting specific user accounts

Requirements: The Automation plugin requires the commercial Redmine Reporting Plugin as base. Both plugins are available as bundle. It will not work as “Stand-alone”.
If you want to use the described user onboarding / offboarding automation rules, you need to combine the plugin with the Redmine HRM as well. Which comes with the necessary user management. The three plugins (Automation, HRM & Reporting) are the ideal setting for every Redmine.

User triggerActionsRule type
Event - Login userAdd Log, Ansible playbook, Create issue, Create project, Custom values,
Email, First name, Language, Last name, Login, Log time, Must change password at next logon,
Rake command, Send mail, Shell command, Status, Webhook
Event based
Event - Save UserAdd Log, Ansible playbook, Create issue, Create project, Custom values,
Email, First name, Language, Last name, Login, Log time, Must change password at next logon,
Rake command, Send mail, Shell command, Status, Webhook
Event based
Scheduled - UsersAdd Log, Ansible playbook, Create issue, Create project, Custom values,
Email, First name, Language, Last name, Login, Log time, Must change password at next logon,
Rake command, Send mail, Shell command, Status, Webhook, Delete data set
Time based

Rules are easy to configure: You can use the regular user filters of Redmine, as well as custom fields for users in order to specify the rule condition for your users. This makes the automation as flexible as possible for your business outcome.

Ready to automate your business?

Is part of our Redmine Managed Application Hosting. Requires Redmine Reporting.
Only available as bundle (Automation & Reporting or Enterprise+). It does not work as stand alone.

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Redmine Plugin

Buy Automation Plugin v4.0.0

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12 Month - DE, EN - E-Mail support via customer area

Right to use the obtained plugin version


€ 549 / Year*

(Reporting & Automation to automate: projects, issues, spent time entries)

€ 385 / Year*
Single product 1

(as Reporting extension)

€ 1795 / Year*
as part of Enterprise+ Bundle

(Full-Stack contains all Plugins) - Compare all features

* Offer is directed exclusively to entrepreneurs within the meaning of §14 BGB. All prices are in EUR and net prices. Plus the applicable statutory sales tax. Reverse Charge applies for international clients outside Germany with a valid EU VAT ID No. Delivery of the download URL against advance payment. Plugin installation is done by the client himself, according to our installation instructions. Note the minimum system requirements and FAQ before purchase.
1) does not run stand-alone. Requires Redmine Reporting. Affects: Automation, HRM, DevOps, ServiceDesk

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The Automation Plugin is a contribution to the success of our customers

The use of automation helps to cut costs in the long term, reduce errors and free up space for value-adding activities.