Many entrepreneurs already run their business in such a way that it is geared towards growth. Nevertheless, the planning of employee resources often fails. And that even though everyone is aware that staff resources are among the most important resources in the company.

This is also confirmed by a study carried out as early as 2016 entitled 2016 State of Resource Management and Capacity Planning Benchmark Study made by (Source below).

Redmine HRM Plugin capacity planning

According to this study, growth and innovation are threatened in most organizations due to inadequate capacity planning. However, it is now quite easy to plan your staff resources, especially if you already use project management tools like Redmine.

In our infographics we show how to keep an eye on the utilization of employee resources in real time with the help of a suitable solution such as the Redmine HRM Plugin. And so that future projects can be planned realistically and flexibly - without the use of static tools like Excel and Co.

Redmine HRM Plugin resource planning

How companies benefit from tools like Redmine HRM Plugin

Organizations that use resource planning / capacity planning tools:

  • have a higher probability of completing projects on time
  • can revolutionize their niche fast enough with new innovations
  • have better control over the budget and can even reduce project costs
  • can consider business opportunities faster than the competition
  • will certainly make more of their customers happy. Simply because they can provide more realistic information than the competition without such tools.

The complete infographics for resource planning with the Redmine HRM Plugin are available as PDF download in the section Further information.

Advantages of the Redmine HRM Plugin

  • The HRM Plugin extends the standard Redmine with additional functions for capacity planning of its employees.
  • You can read more from the resource view. For example how realistic it is to complete projects with the current team in the planned time frame. Or when to start new projects.
  • In addition to these possibilities, the plugin offers other functions relevant for personnel management. For example holiday management, attendance management or user performance.

Test the HRM functions for Redmine

The HRM Plugin is an extension for Redmine Reporting Plugin. Both plugins are available as bundle. In our online demo you can test the function mentioned here and even more.

Further information