Administrator rights are required to change configurations. In normal everyday life you should never work with administrator permissions for security reasons and to reduce errors due to wrong usage. The Redmine Sudo Plugin helps you to do this.

Free Redmine Sudo Plugin

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  1. In general, no one should work in Redmine with administrator permissions to perform project management tasks.

  2. In general, not everyone in the company should be given administrator rights just because they hold a management position.

This permission is only necessary if there is something to be set in the Redmine configuration that affects access rights, workflow adjustments, changes to trackers or ticket status information, email configurations, etc.

If you use administrator permissions to do your daily work:

  • you represent a high security risk for Redmine and the data it contains.
  • you increase the risk of operating errors if used improperly
  • you cannot detect or reproduce possible errors in the access authorization of other roles
  • you make troubleshooting of incorrect settings (especially for shared administrator accounts) more complicated

Redmine Managed Hosting

The Redmine Sudo Plugin - working savely without administration permission is part of our Redmine hosting offer, if required. If you need Redmine or Redmine Plugin support or do not want to host Redmine yourself our Redmine Hosting is perfect for you. This way you can fully concentrate on your business and work with an up-to-date, secure working environment.

Support for Selfhosting user via GitHub, only. If you are not a AlphaNodes hosting customer use the issue tracker on GitHub for community support. Other support requests via eMail are not processed by us.

Important features

  • Redmine User can switch to admin permission, if necessary
  • User with admininistrator permission can drop admin permission easily
  • Multilingual

Plugin PROs

  • No extra user with admin permissions is required. ** Common use case is, to create a user called “admin” for it and multiple other users use it.

  • Fast switch between admin permission and default user permission. ** You just activate it, re-enter your password (if required), work as administrator.

  • Automatically timeout of working time with admin permission. ** This can be configured with sudo_mode_timeout. After a specific time period of doing nothing you are automatically logged out as administrator and proceed doing your work with the regular permissions.

This plugin breaks Redmine default: If a user has to have admin permisson, he has not this permission after login. He/she must switch to it (with top menu toggle) to get it. Redmine sudo-mode is used for time period and requesting password to switch to admin permission.