Managed Hosting / Redmine Beheerde Toepassingsdiensten (Hosting)
De zakelijke software Redmine is een web-based open source project management tool voor zowel klassiek als agile project management. Het is bij uitstek geschikt voor teamsamenwerking om één of meerdere projecten tegelijk te behandelen. Het ondersteunt teams gedurende de gehele levenscyclus van een project. Plugins maken extra gebruik mogelijk: in uw kantoor, in uw thuiskantoor, in verspreide teams.
Werken met Redmine bundelt teamcommunicatie, taken en projectrelevante informatie centraal op één plaats. Zonder gebruik van e-mail. De functies (zoals task management, Wiki, Time tracking, Forums, Gantt-Charts etc.) zijn toegankelijk via Internet browser en kunnen vanaf elke locatie worden benaderd.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is voor veel organisaties oncontroleerbaar zolang ze software of producten gebruiken die gebaseerd zijn op licentiekosten per gebruiker. Open Source Software zoals Redmine maakt deze factor controleerbaar. Onze Redmine Cloud dienst verwijdert de noodzaak om zelf infrastructuur te bouwen, te patchen en te beheren in plaats van zich te concentreren op uw core business.
Onze Redmine Beheerde Applicatie Diensten
Voor de best mogelijke, veilige en foutloze werking, nemen wij pro-actief de regelmatige zorg, back-ups en onderhoud van uw Redmine applicatie over om ongeoorloofde toegang van buitenaf te voorkomen en om gevoelige projectgegevens te beschermen.
Doelen die u zult bereiken, wanneer u onze Dienst gebruikt
- Besparing van interne middelen en ontlasting van de eigen IT afdeling. En berekenbare kosten voor de werking van een huidige Redmine.
- Vermindering van de administratieve lasten en administratieve belemmeringen, alsmede van de vaste, maandelijkse kosten.
- Medewerkers en klanten gebruiken altijd een up-to-date, veilige, performante applicatie. Veiligheidsleemten worden snel gedicht. Nieuwe functies zijn in een vroeg stadium beschikbaar. Verbeteringen worden snel doorgevoerd.
- Gratis gebruik van onze commerciële Redmine Plugins (Enterprise+ Bundle) tijdens de steunperiode van ons.
- Optimale integratie met andere toepassingen (bijv. GitLab, Rocket.Chat, HedgeDoc) mogelijk.
In geval van problemen helpen wij u met een snelle probleemoplossing. Dit bespaart u interne resources, u hoeft geen tijd te investeren in de nodige kennis en u kunt zich concentreren op uw eigen business. U beslist of dit gebeurt op uw eigen server (InHouse) of op onze Cloud.
Advantages Managed Hosting InHouse
- Increased data security: data is stored in your own infrastructure
- Stepless control over hardware limits
- No limitation (e.g. number of accesses, data volumes, users etc.)
- Monthly budget is within a manageable range
- Saving internal resources. Relief of the own IT department
Onze steun, uw voordeel
Met onze talrijke ondersteuningsopties bespaart u interne middelen en stelt u uw projectgegevens veilig op lange termijn. Zo staat u altijd aan de veilige kant.
Ons Redmine besturingspakket bevat belangrijke functies zoals: | |
Backup creation of your data base and Redmine files | |
Execution of Minor-Updates, Major-Updates, Patch-Releases and Security-Updates | |
Update and patch the installed plug-ins (community or third party) | |
Supply of functional add-ons and AlphaNodes plugins (Automation, DB, Passwords, Reporting, HRM, Wiki Guide). Learn more | |
Centralized 24/7 Monitoring to safeguard critical components of your Redmine and system. Important for a smooth operation. |
Professionele Redmine Diensten
Ons doel
Met onze hulp wordt open source software zoals Redmine professioneel gebruikt, individueel uitgebreid of optimaal geïntegreerd in gevestigde systemen. Op deze manier brengen wij gevestigde IT-standaarden van grote bedrijven naar middelgrote ondernemingen. Met als doel transparante workflows, flexibele methoden en uitstekende producten te leveren aan teams van elke grootte en op elke locatie.
Onze focus: Implementatie van digitale bedrijfsprocessen
Wij bieden verschillende diensten voor dit werkgebied. Van advies en concept tot implementatie, strategie en optimalisatie.
Service Overview
Redmine Hosting op uw eigen server (InHouse)
U wilt Redmine draaien op uw eigen server bij uw bedrijf of bij een hoster van uw keuze? Dan is ons InHouse-Operatie Pakket een mogelijk goede keuze voor u. Het is heel eenvoudig:U wijst ons een Linux server instantie toe
- fysieke root server of virtuele instance (Ubuntu of Debian)
- Dit bevindt zich in uw bedrijf of in een extern datacentrum van uw keuze.
- Toegang tot het clientsysteem via SSH rechtstreeks (zonder VPN) en kan worden beperkt tot ons IP.
Wij nemen het van u over
- Professionele installatie, setup en operationele voorziening van Redmine op de server
- Implementatie en onderhoud van het updatebeheer voor: Linux systeem, Redmine, geïnstalleerde Plugins
- Automatische, real-time beveiligingsupdates van het Linux systeem en Redmine tijdens bedrijf. Backup creatie, werking en foutopheffing
- Terbeschikkingstelling van commerciële Redmine plugins voor gratis gebruik tijdens de ondersteuningsperiode. Our Terms and Conditions apply here.
Met ons exploitatiepakket zorgen wij ervoor dat
- Redmine draait stabiel en performant op uw eigen server,
- de kosten liggen binnen de marge die kan worden gepland
- u een gekwalificeerde contactpersoon heeft in geval van nood.
- Support and individual services (remote)
Technical support regarding the care of the server environment (in case of malfunctions and failures) are usually included in the monthly package price. Not included are development services, consulting, user support or other (configuration) services that go beyond the technical support of the server. As well as post installation / activation of additional functionality, AddOns, Plugins, Libraries etc. Extra costs are charged for these services. A claim to support services in this context does not exist.
The operation of additional software that requires root permission for installation or operation is fundamentally not possible.
Redmine Plugins
Onderdeel van onze hosting service zijn ook onze professionele Redmine Plugins om uw project management een boost te geven. Wij maken gefocust werken mogelijk met tijdbesparende functionaliteiten.
Prijzen Redmine Beheerde Hosting
Redmine kan standalone draaien of in combinatie met andere applicaties.
Companies that need their own infrastructure
€ 195 /Month
Hosting R30
Recommended minimum number of users: 10
€ 120 /Month
Hosting R100
Recommended minimum number of users: 50
€ 299 /Month
Hosting RE Enterprise
Companies with focus on performance. Minimum number of users: 250
€ Price /Month
Pricing: Our offers are solely for businesses in compliance with §14 BGB (German Civil Code). All price information are net prices and subject to legal VAT. If you order our services outside of Germany, other sales tax rates may apply (Reverse Charge). Payable monthly in advance (invoicing).
²) For optional services additional costs will be charged. Get an individual offer.
³) We optionally offer a separate Redmine test environment, set up and maintained in parallel to the production environment (see above). This is ideally suited for tasks such as data modeling, performance testing, and plugin testing. A one-time fee applies for setup and initial system preparation. Monthly costs cover the maintenance of Redmine and installed plugins (as with the production environment), as well as the maintenance and adjustment of data synchronization. The conditions listed below also apply to the test environment.
*) Additional plugins are possible under some circumstances. Learn more in our FAQ.
Our company is GDPR compliant. To protect your data, we perform regular security updates and automated backups.
Plugins: In addition we are also using selected community plugins for a more productive use (e.g. additionals, additional_tags).
Updates: Redmine minor releases and plugins are updated regularly and promptly after automated and/or manual checks. Major releases are deployed following manual compatibility and internal testing. System-level (Linux) security updates are checked and applied every four hours.
Q: Which versions are kept? Completely, we use BorgBackup for this. It is always necessary to restore a complete backup. It is not possible to restore a single issue, a single wiki page or a single issue file, nor is it possible due to the Redmine architecture.
Q: For how long? The last two days / one of the last week / one of last month.
Q: How to restore backups? It's part of our job to restore it for your, if you need a backup to be restored.
The costs for inclusion in our monthly application support (incl. testing, update installation and compatibility check) vary depending on the plugin. We will be happy to inform you of the exact costs in the individual offer.
Third party plugins: Precondition is a valid support license of the customer (for commercial plugins) and compatibility with the existing system (Redmine, Redmine plugins). We reserve the right to reject a plugin request if security, compatibility or updates (e.g. due to an expired support license) are impaired as a result.
Additional costs: The use of plugins that are not provided and maintained by us may incur one-off costs for integration or uninstallation as well as additional monthly costs.
After the termination of a booked Managed Application Hosting Cloud package, access to the application will be blocked at the end of the term and the data will be deleted immediately and irrevocably. The customer is therefore expressly required to save or export their data independently in good time before the end or to arrange for the data to be migrated (e.g. backup) to another system (see our general Terms).
Cost savings: Internal installation and maintenance require specialized IT staff, server hardware, software licenses, and extensive maintenance, including the provision of security updates. External providers like us amortize these costs across many clients and offer more cost-effective, scalable solutions. Regular updates are professionally managed, freeing up internal resources and minimizing the risk of outdated software and associated security vulnerabilities.
Focus on Core Business: Internal IT can concentrate on the company's core competencies instead of spending valuable time managing and maintaining web applications. We as external hosting provider assume full responsibility for availability, security, and regular updates, relieving internal IT of administrative tasks and allowing them to focus on more strategically important projects. This also prevents crucial security updates for Redmine or other applications from being neglected. And in case of questions or problems we are your competent contact for technical support or user support requests.
We have services that suits your needs and move your business forward.
Conditions (InHouse and Cloud)
- All pricing in EUR and net. Monthly billing in advance, only.
- Minimum period: 1 month. Can be cancelled 2 weeks before the end of the service period.
- E-mail support: Acceptance of error messages, technical support requests, other activities exclusively via the customer area
- Troubleshooting, answering support requests according to the "Best Effort" principle within our service hours
- Service hours: Mon - Fri from 9:00 to 17:00 (CET/CEST) with the exception of public holidays (BY, D)
- Contract for order processing (AVV): An AVV in accordance with GDPR is concluded in the course of our chargeable hosting services. The documents are available to customers in the customer area after you have placed an offical order.
Additional setup conditions (InHouse)
- Down payment for customers outside Germany: When the final order is placed, a down payment of 100% of the ordered positions is due. The customer will receive an invoice with concrete payment information. To be paid by the customer to us before the start of work (via PayPal or bank transfer to german bank account). The remaining amount (for other services, development etc.) is then payable on completion of the work in accordance with the term of payment from our final invoice.