红明产品 / Redmine DevOps插件



Redmine DevOps Plugin

无论你做出什么决定,你都要将与整个项目团队、项目经理和利益相关者相关的所有数据集中捆绑在Redmine中。Redmine DevOps Plugin提供了一个简单的方法,将外部数据从GitHub、GitLab、Jenkins或Zabbix链接到Redmine。


Redmine Devops Plugin









Redmine Devops Plugin

DevOps Plugin Buyers Guide

Everything you need to know when buying Redmine DevOps.

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Redmine Devops Plugin


将您的外部Git存储库或其他支持的开发工具与Redmine连接起来(例如GitHub密匙、GitLab私人令牌、Jenkins API令牌、Zabbix访问信息)。当您的GitHub、GitLab、Zabbix或Jenkins账户与Redmine软件链接后,您的团队就能在Redmine中直接看到提交信息和其他相关信息。



Redmine DevOps插件是一个提供额外好处的工具


Dashboard Support

Supports the use of dashboards (public, private, role based) by providing custom blocks. This way you display relevant information within a Redmine project overview page where you want

Project Relation

Is optimally integrated with Redmine. Must be set up per project. Is equipped with role-based access permissions (view, link). Can also be configured with private account information (private Dashboard)

Ticket commit link

Allows linking commits in the external Git repository to Redmine issues if the developer uses the corresponding issue key in the commit message

GitHub Integration

Provides information about Pull-Requests, Repositories, Issues and Workflows within Redmine project overview

GitLab Integration

Delivers information about Merge Requests, Pipelines, Projects and Issues within Redmine project overview

Last Commits

Shows the latest commits in external stored repository on the Redmine project overview page

Failed Jenkins Jobs

Lists all failed Jenkins jobs and links to them

Zabbix Hosts & Problems

Lists Hosts and all problems in Zabbix and links to them

External Redmine Integration

Supplies information from externally connected Redmine systems such as repositories, tickets, projects, system information

Our plugins will suit your needs!

Our Redmine plugins are multilingual and a good choice if you want to work productively. 12 month support & updates included.

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Redmine Plugin

Buy DevOps Plugin v4.0.0

Fast, free delivery of the download URL after receipt of payment
Plugin requirements - Plugin FAQ - Terms of use

Access to documentation, Support, Downloads & Updates

12 Month - DE, EN - E-Mail support via customer area

Right to use the obtained plugin version


€ 549 / Year*

(Reporting & DevOps)

€ 385 / Year*
Single product 1

(as Reporting extension)

€ 1795 / Year*
as part of Enterprise+ Bundle

(Full-Stack contains all Plugins) - Compare all features

* Offer is directed exclusively to entrepreneurs within the meaning of §14 BGB. All prices are in EUR and net prices. Plus the applicable statutory sales tax. Reverse Charge applies for international clients outside Germany with a valid EU VAT ID No. Delivery of the download URL against advance payment. Plugin installation is done by the client himself, according to our installation instructions. Note the minimum system requirements and FAQ before purchase.
1) does not run stand-alone. Requires Redmine Reporting. Affects: Automation, HRM, DevOps, ServiceDesk

What annual support and maintenance license do you need?

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